Steffi has arrived into care in what seems to be fantastic health. Slight weakness in her back legs but they should build their strength up and be okay. Steffi is doing everything a newborn lamb should do. She is happy, bright, playful and loves her bottle. Mostly, though, she loves a snuggle with a human on the couch. Steffi has a loud baa which she used a lot on arrival. Now she is feeling more comfortable, she keeps that loud baa for bottle time or if she becomes separated from her best friend, Daisy.
After a shy start, Steffi and Daisey became close friends following a night curled up together.
It was good to see Daisey find a friend after a hard start in care. On arrival at LCA, Daisey was terrified and very vocal, only settling when being held by her carer. This was no surprise after having spent the previous night at an emergency centre with an obvious break to her back right leg. She was transferred into our care and placed on fluids and more pain relief at one of our regular vets.
Xrays were taken that showed a complete break to her Metatarsal bones. Her leg was put in traction overnight in the hope that the tendons would stretch the small amount needed to realign the break. Thankfully this worked and under heavy sedation the bones were realigned.
It was after Daisey started to walk again that her carer noticed that her front right leg was slightly bent and she couldn’t bear weight on that leg. Another Xray showed poor Daisey had 2 small breaks to the Metacarpal bones in that leg too, so she now has a cast on both front and back legs.
Daisey is a lucky little lamb who fortunately avoided having a leg amputation and who is expected to make a full recovery. In fact, Daisey is fortunate to have survived at all. She is a very gentle girl who, as she recovers, we suspect will have a cheeky personality.
Steffi is definitely the follower of the 2 with Daisey taking the confident lead.
Photos: Jane Jarman Photography and Miranda Hastings