Zander is doing incredibly well. Although at 9weeks he is still under 6kgs (newborn size) we are happy he at least seems to be growing normally developmental wise. Zanda eats hay, chaff and pellets along with absolutely smashing down his milk bottles. It has taken much longer than we had hoped to straighten his front legs but due to his hind legs being damaged, it means he is unable to walk when they are splinted. Zander is so sensitive that the splints cause him too much stress so we are taking really small steps. Thankfully he is getting used to his wheelchair and is able to get around on his own.
5 August 2021
Zander is a very special lamb who is loved so dearly. This little pocket rocket has been going through rehabilitation to correct his legs. The splints placed on his front legs are slowly but surely correcting his contacted tendons and giving him more mobility. Zander has had follow up xrays done of his bones and joints to track how he is developing. Although Zander is bright within himself there are a few concerning indicators. He is a little over 4weeks of age and still only weighs a tiny 3.5kgs which is smaller then your average newborn lamb. Our vet will be running bloods to determine if this is due to any systemic issue. All that we can do for the time being is support and shower this very special little boy with love in every way we possibly know how.

30 July 2021
28 July 2021
Now Zander has a wheelchair to keep him upright and able to walk (and run!!) throughout the day. He is still getting used to it but oh does he love it!!! He has many friends of all species to surround him with encouragement. Such a lucky little man.
25 July 2021
Due to the splints being required to stay on most of the time it means walking is a little more difficult.
20 July 2021
Zander has not let his disability stop him from the day he arrived in care. His premature body is still growing and so we will continue to splint his legs and correct them in the hopes that as he grows they will also grow as they should to give him the best future possible.
14 July 2021
Zander has been an absolute hero so far in his rehabilitation. We are so pleased that his contracted front tendons are beginning to straighten with the DIY splints we have prepared for his teeny tiny legs. Although his bones are still forming, the major concern is the malformation of his hind legs if we don’t correct it’s growth. We are hopeful we will be able to influence a lot of this growth with the splints used.
9 July 2021
The first vet’s immediate solution for Zander was euthanasia because they hadn’t seen anything like it and were uncertain how and if it could be treated. Zander was transported to a another of our carers in hope of a second vet opinion and further investigation.
6 July 2021
Zander is determined to get up and shuffle around, often in search of a bottle or someone warm to snuggle up to. He is always bright and active and drinks so well. All his vitals are stable with the only thing in his way being his leg deformity.
3 July 2021
Unfortunately for Zander, he has a number of health issues. The tendons on his front legs are contracted so have been put into splints to start the straightening process. His back legs are more of a concern so we will be seeking veterinary advice. Zander has several joint issues that are causing a domino affect with his body trying to compensate. In addition to these issues, Zander is blind and super tiny so possibly was premature. He will need specialist care and a very special forever home if we are able to get him to that stage in his young life.
1 July 2021
Zander was surrendered by a farmer who had found him in a paddock unable to walk. Straight away she noticed something wasn’t right with his legs and, although she tried to help him, his situation wasn’t as straightforward as she might have hoped so she contacted us and we took him into care.