Rocky arrived into our care in September. He has been down a rough road with his Mum dying and leaving him to fend for himself. Fleur arrived at around the same time and was suffering terribly from joint ill to the extent that surgery was necessary. The surgery was excisional arthroplasty where the head of the femur was to be removed to allow a fibrotic joint to form, thus saving the leg. Unfortunately the surgery was bigger than we expected with the leg being so damaged that the only option was amputation. We are pleased to say Fleur came through the surgery exceptionally well.
Rocky and Fleur’s experience in life so far had been very different but as time went on we witnessed an unbreakable bond form between to 2 lambs. Friends for life, they are now at their forever home, never to be parted. Their story is described on this page.
3 November 2021

28 October 2021
Rocky contemplating whether to go out into the beautiful sunshine or stay in the comfortable stable.

23 October 2021
Fleur has come along in leaps and bounds and is now happily running! Life as a 3 legged sheep can be tricky but our darling girl is moving ahead in leaps and bounds. Rocky, as always, is her back up guy.

18 October 2021
Rocky resting with best buddy Fleur.

15 October 2021

11 October 2021
Fleur continues to amaze us with her progress following her leg amputation 10 days ago. She is such a dear little girl who loves exploring the garden and cuddling up to her best pal Rocky when she needs a rest.

29 September 2021
Fleur came through her surgery well. The surgery was bigger than we expected with the leg being so damaged that the only option was amputation. Fleur is now under the watchful eye of one of our experienced carers and we are pleased to say is up and eating.

27 September 2021
Rocky gets braver everyday. While the lambs who come in as newborns often rush to the humans, Rocky stands back and observes from a safe distance. This is very normal behaviour for a lamb who was with their mother in a paddock for 4 weeks. Rocky is very attached to Fleur though and never leaves her side. She must help him feel safe which really pleases us for his sake.

23 September 2021
Fleur arrived into our care yesterday and will now undergo major surgery to put her back on the right path to a pain free life. She has been suffering for weeks now due to being inflicted with Joint Ill and it being left untreated. Fleur will be having an excisional arthroplasty where the head of the femur will be removed to allow a fibrotic joint to form, thus saving the leg. This surgery is necessary for Fleur moving forward. She is an otherwise healthy lamb so we want to ensure we do everything we can to help her live a long and happy life.