
Imagine being on your own at only a few days old in a big, strange world with no one you recognise and no mum to take care of you. This is the position our latest arrival, little Patrick Lamb, found himself in this week. We don’t know why he was orphaned or what happened to his mum. We do know that Patrick needed saving and that is exactly what we did when we saw him advertised on Gumtree. Knowing that if we didn’t act quickly this young life could have ended up in the hands of anyone! After responding to the ad we secured his surrender from the farmer. We were very pleased to find him a healthy lamb of just a few days old. As expected, Patrick was unsettled on arrival and seemed bewildered and lost. In the hands of one of our experienced Initial Carers, Patrick soon realised that he was safe and had nothing to fear. Not wanting to be left alone, he has received lots of cuddles and milk to reassure him and make him feel safe and loved.

Leif arrived at the start of May this year. He continues to love and experience a happy life like other rescue lambs. We have discovered he has abnormalities with his shoulders and the vertebrae in that area which was likely caused by a trauma at or around the time of birth. This injury appears to have had an impact on his Larynx too which is resulting is his restricted breathing. We will continue to investigate and soon he will be off to the specialist for a CT scan to gain more clarity on his condition. In the mean time, he continues to show no signs of pain and absolutely NOTHING slows him down, he is living a full life doing all the things he loves

Photos: Shear Existence Sanctuary