
The lucky lambs who appear on this page are those who have been adopted into a loving forever home where they will live out the rest of their natural life.

Ambrose and Allie

Ambrose and Allie came into care when their mum sadly died following their birth. On the positive side they are both healthy lambs who already have a forever home lined up for them.

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Marlo arrived into care after losing his mum. He’s a very shy, timid boy who is slowly adjusting to his new life and people fussing over him. Marlo has a lot of weight to gain to get back on track but, at the rate he drinks his bottle, it isn’t going to take him very

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Aria arrived scared and in shock but her feisty spirit began to shine through as she navigated her new life and surroundings. She has a love for milk and playtime, encouraging her friends to run, hop and jump with her. At bottle time Aria is in the thick of it pushing her buddies out of

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Mindy is a pretty little lamb who arrived into care healthy and well after her mum sadly died giving birth. Mindy is the easiest lamb to care for and loves cuddles and her bottle. What a delight she is for her carer!

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Little Finlay was brought into care at just two days old after suffering the terrifying trauma of being attacked by a fox. The attack was severe and resulted in a fractured skull and punctured sinus passages. Finlay also has a hematoma in the skull, which is causing severe swelling and putting pressure on his eye,

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For Dante’s carer it was love at first sight with his crooked little jaw, swollen face and a tiny skeleton covered in a fine layer of wool. Dante’s face was covered in puncture wounds from a fox attack with one bite penetrating his lower jaw bone causing a fracture. Despite being in obvious pain Dante’s

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Daimler has had an uphill battle from the day he was born. He was attacked by birds and has struggled to heal from the wounds that were inflicted on his little body.  Daimler has a strong will to live and even on his low days he manages to find a little bounce in his step.

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Frederick had a rough start to life, suffering from pneumonia that he fought hard to overcome. He is a sweet gentle lamb who still trying to master his very long legs. Frederick loves to be around his new lamb friends and always looks forward to a cuddle with his carer in the evenings.   Photos:

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