Paddington and Pedro have been with their adopted family for 2 weeks now. In the words of their carer: “Such gorgeous boys. Can’t believe how quickly they have grown! Loving life and playing….“
28 June 2021

20 June 2021
Paddington and Pedro looking gorgeous as all lambs do. How they manage to be this cute no one knows!
17 June 2021
Paddington all of a sudden came down with a fever today. He has been given some medication just in case something nasty is starting, but he is still his bouncy, happy self.
16 June 2021
When you and your brothers want to play all night it’s very important to catch up on sleep when the sun comes up. Our human Mum looks like she needs a sleep too, but not sure why.
15 June 2021
13 June 2021
Lambs love to have company and Paddington and Pedro are no exception. Over their short time together they have become good friends.
12 June 2021
Pedro had a difficult first 24 hours in care simply because he was too scared to be put down from his carers arms. We see this a lot with lambs who have gone through something traumatic. For dear Pedro finding himself on the Freeway with trucks and cars flying past must have been terrifying for a baby with no mother. As time goes on he has gradually felt safe enough to sit on the floor and is crying out less. He is a beautiful lamb.
10 June 2021
Paddington has been enjoying his outside time with the chooks in between the rain. He is such an easy lamb to care for who drinks well and just fits in. Lambs don’t like to be alone and Paddington is no different. He doesn’t mind who keeps him company (dogs, chickens, cats, humans) so long as he has someone nearby.
7 June 2021
Paddington is such a happy go lucky little fellow who is so calm he did not make a sound for the first 48 hours. Paddington was suffering from Entropian (the turning in of the eyelids) but this was treated by the vet. Although his eyes still look sore, he is starting to bounce around as most happy lambs do so it doesn’t seem to be bothering him too much now.
6 June 2021
Paddington Lamb, our newest arrival, came through the surgery to fix his eyes yesterday with flying colours. Entropion is a common congenital disorder in lambs and is usually characterised by the turning in of one or both lower eyelids. In-turned hairs rub on the cornea and cause severe irritation. Although Paddington does not look too comfortable right now, his eyes will soon be feeling much better.
5 June 2021