Today little Opal went to start her new life at Edgar’s Mission. Her front leg issues were such a big problem that when Pam Ahern, from Edgar’s Mission, offered to take her case we were delighted. Pam is an expert with conditions such as Opal’s. There is a time frame to get Opal’s legs where they need to be to ensure she does not develop life long issues. We know that she will be in the best place possible for her condition to heal.
16 May 2021
Luke is such a gentle lamb. He is affectionate, laid back and caring. While Coby would love to jump on Opal’s back if given the chance, Luke is happy just sitting beside her.
15 May 2021
Beautiful Opal is gentle, placid and quiet yet also determined and brave. Her front legs are badly contracted meaning she can not stand on them properly. She does, however, walk around on her knees and knows exactly where she wants to go. Physiotherapy will be quite an intensive, though necessary, process. We need to address this issue before she becomes a big lamb. It is not a very pleasant experience but she receives tons of encouragement and cuddles so she knows she is safe and very loved.
14 May 2021
Teddy brings great comfort to many LCA lambs. Here Opal cuddles up to his fluffy head.
13 May 2021
Opal will require extensive physiotherapy to try and help her tendons straighten out. She is only 3.7kg and has a long road ahead but we are there beside her every step of the way.
12 May 2021
Baby Opal has been through alot in her first 10 days of life. Severely contracted tendons on her front legs stopping her from walking like a normal lamb means she has needs a great deal of care. Her temperature is elevated so she has been started on cortisone injections as well as penicillin.