Misty and Jax are very bonded. They were found curled up together and we are not sure whether they are twins or they found each other in the paddock. Both lambs are very sweet and are always together. Happy little souls, they love to jump around & snuggle up together. As long as they are close to each other they are happy.
4 August 2021
Misty and Jax soaking up all the love that their carer has to offer

2 August 2021
30 July 2021
Beautiful Misty had surgery today to have her tail amputated because unfortunately it had turned necrotic from a predator attack. She came out of the operation remarkably well and really only cared about getting her bottle
29 July 2021
28 July 2021
Misty and Jax are doing incredibly well. They are happy and healthy and enjoy exploring together. Misty has an injured tail from where crows attacked her so she will need a visit to the vet.
27 July 2021
25 July 2021
Misty and Jax arrived this morning after being found alone by the farmer. Jax is the smaller of the 2 and required tube feeding as he was a bit weak. Misty has a small injury to the end of her tail where we think a crow has got a little too excited. Both are staying nice and warm on this very cold wintry evening.