This morning was mucking out the stable day which Shyla found very entertaining. As a new bed of thick, warm straw went down she bounced around in it for the first time as a healthy lamb would do. It was beautiful to witness but her very tired legs have now told her she really needs to rest.
20 October 2021
Rain arrived in late September after being born one night during a sudden cold snap. She arrived weak, wet and very hungry and later suffered from scabby mouth. We are pleased to say that she is healing well and will soon be introduced to her new friend, Shyla.
15 October 2021

10 October 2021
Shyla spent the first weeks of her life largely indoors, learning to stand and then walk. We are so pleased at her progress and her increasing independance. She is now loving her time outdoors, learning to be a real sheep by spending time with other lambs.
3 October 2021
Shyla learning to be a big lamb, making new friends and eating straw and hay. She has taken a particular liking to gentle Fleur.
24 September 2021

20 September 2021
18 September 2021
Today Shyla took the next step on the road to recovery. Over the past 9 days she has learnt to stand, balance, gain control over her limbs and walk when supported. Today her carer put her in a harness and gently encouraged her to walk without support. It seems now Shyla’s brain has made the next connection – that of walking unassisted with just some gentle encouragement from the lead. We think now she will be unstoppable.

15 September 2021
Shyla modelling the latest in multicoloured lamb wear jumpers accompanied by striking bright orange, smily face leggings and a pink scarf (that is really a dog harness used to encourage her to walk but we let her think it is the latest in lamb neck wear fashion)
14 September 2021

12 September 2021
We are so pleased to say Shyla is improving everyday. She can now stand and balance with no problem, compared to this time last week when standing was impossible. It will now be our focus to get her walking more. Yesterday she had some more outside time so she could see what she will be like one day.
10 September 2021
Today Shyla had her first appointment with her wonderful physiotherapist, Lauren from Melbourne Animal Physiotherapy. We are pleased to say the prognosis was encouraging. With stretches, massages, leg splints and practise with supported walking, although Shyla will probably never be a marathon lamb runner ☺️, she should be able to manage quite well. The transformation in her continues to astound her carer!

8 September 2021
Shyla has continued to improve the control over her legs. Today she some special outside time and met some larger versions over herself including Ben and Ruby a little lamb who is only 6 weeks older than Shyla.
9 September 2021
Shyla’s carer had her in a shopping bag today that had holes for her feet and head to go through. This gave her support to try to help her stand. Later in the day it was like the connection in Shyla’s brain happened and she realised what her legs were for. She was very shaky but what an achievement for a little girl who 2 days ago had no hope of doing this.
7 September 2021
Today a visit to the vet reveals the cause of Shyla’s inability to walk. The lower section of her right leg is turned out 90 degrees and the tendons on her left front leg are contracted a little. This would have happened in the womb which means Shyla has never been able to stand. As a result she has not developed any muscle strength. The vet was unsure of her future but we are determined to do everything we can.
6 September 2021
Shyla arrived into care today. She is 8 days old and has never walked or even stood up and has no control over her legs. We are not sure what the future holds for little Shyla but we will do everything to help her gain as much mobility as we can.