Adrian, Adam and Anthony

Get to know more about Adrian, Adam and Anthony

Introducing Adrian, Adam and Anthony. Their story is one of unimaginable suffering until they reached the care of LCA.

A failed attempt was made at castrating them when they were 5 months old by the farmer using cable ties. For the following 5 months their testicles keep growing constricted by the cable ties. This caused severe and chronic infection, swelling and pain. Following their surrender, they were finally given a reprieve from their suffering when all were surgically castrated under the care of LCA. They are doing well under the circumstances. In addition to the pain they were suffering, all three had a large worm burden which put additional stress on their body. Now that they have been successfully castrated and treated for worms, a new life awaits them.

Photos: Gayle Davis and Nigel’s Sanctuary

Adrian, Adam and Anthony’s Gallery

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