Erik was found on the side of the road still covered in afterbirth without another sheep in sight. We suspect he is another lamb who was born on a transport truck and was somehow thrown free. Although we will never know his real story, we imagine his mum, still on the truck witnessing her baby’s escape to freedom, cheering a quiet baa of joy while at the same time feeling her heart break in 2 at the loss of her newborn son. We only hope that she is now looking down upon him and seeing that he is safe and in the loving hands of one of our Initial Carers.
Olive arrived late last week. She was surrendered to us by the farmer when, during an assisted birth due to her large size of 6.5kg, her left leg was injured during. Olive had a visit to the vet where she had an Xray taken that fortunately showed no signs of a fracture. She does, however, have what the vet thinks is severe ligament damage and some damaged nerves. Olive has had a difficult start in life but is looking on the bright side. She is happy and we can tell can’t wait to walk again. The future is now looking brighter for Olive as she makes new friends and starts the next stage in what we hope will be her long and happy life.

Photos: Shear Existence Sanctuary
Erik: Red jumper
Olive: Blue Jumper