Lamb Care Australia

Our Lambs

Each lamb who reaches our care is an individual with their own personality, likes and dislikes. Read their stories here as they progress from rescue to adoption. 

Meet Our Lambs

Chipmonk-JN-7 edited


Chipmonk has a huge personality in his tiny body. He is the goofball who loves to stir the bigger lambs up before he runs away ...
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Anastasia-JN-7 edited


Anastasia arrived with some issues with her legs and part of her tail missing. She has since had her tail amputated and fortunately her leg ...
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MM_Lotus_3 edited


Lotus arrived after an encounter with a fox. As a result, her tail is missing at the base but has healed well. She also had ...
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MM_Elvin_8 edit


Elvin was one of triplets so arrived weighing a tiny 2kg. Despite his low weight, his health has been perfect. Elvin may be tiny but ...
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MM_Echo_2 edited


Echo is a beautiful lamb with unusual marbled brown markings and lovely soft eyes. She is a very confident girl who loves to have a ...
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MM_Franky_3 edited


Franky came into care after she had an accident involving a wire fence. The wire cut off her circulation and eventually the lower part of ...
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Wisp is a little wisp of a thing, hence his name. He arrived into care following the death of his mum shortly after birth. Despite ...
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Jasper is very independent and loves to run off to explore and only when he is ready will he join the group. He will often ...
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Evander might be the smallest of the group, but he still knows how to throw some punches during bottle time. He jumps on the backs ...
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