Foster Care

Lambs spend 10 – 12 weeks in Foster Care. It is during this time that we look for a suitable forever home. If you see any lambs on this page who you would like to adopt, please click the Adopt button for further information.

Bluey and Bingo

Bingo and Bluey arrived into care scared but curious. They were both healthy and happy despite some scouring and were instantly excited for a bottle. Initially, Bluey was the braver of the two and Bingo relied on him for safety. As Bingo learnt he could trust his carer he became more independent. The two of

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Mr Magoo, Cuddles and Blaze

Mr Magoo was born to a first time mum but did not have an easy birth. During the birth process he became stuck, preventing his mum from delivering him unaided. Luckily the farmer found Mr Magoo and his mum and assisted the birthing process to its completion. Sadly, possibly because of the stress the first

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Poppy and Zavier

Poppy arrived on Anzac Day in poor shape. At only 3 days old, he was unable to weight bare on either front leg and his right rear leg so was unable to stand or walk. He had a high temperature and some slight swelling to the area around a watery left eye. Poppy was diagnosed Joint

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