Adoption FAQs


What you will need

If you have sufficient land, adequate fencing and are prepared to keep and care for the lambs for the term of their natural life (including being able to provide vet care when needed) you may be exactly who we are looking for.

You will also need a PIC (Property Identification Code) which is obtainable free of charge from


Is there a mimimum number of lambs I need to adopt?

Sheep can live to approximately 12 – 14 years and make excellent companion animals when cared for with love and affection. They are flock animals so are best when they have a small group of friends with whom to live. For that reason Lamb Care Australia adopts out lambs in a minimum of 2 with preference for those who have other sheep already on their property or who are prepared to adopt a greater number of lambs.


Is there a cost involved?

An adoption donation of $300 per lamb pair is request from those wishing to adopt from Lamb Care Australia.

An adoption donation of $75 per lamb for additional lambs adopted within the same season will then be requested.

This donation is to help with the initial cost incurred by our organisation when rescuing and caring for the lambs to be adopted. Currently that cost to LCA is an average of $450 per lamb. 


Weaned or unweaned?

We adopt out lambs who are either weaned or unweaned depending on what each adopter would prefer. We highly encourage early adoption pre weaning as the feeding experience will help create an even stronger bond with your lambs. 


How to apply to be a forever home

If you think you would be a suitable candidate to adopt some of the lambs we rescue, please complete the following application form:

Adoption Application Form

It is not in the lamb’s best interest to be adopted and returned if the adoption is not successful. Therefore we go to the trouble of examining your application form in detail. We reserve the right to not provide reasons if we choose to not proceed with any expression of interest or application.

If your application is approved we will decide which lambs would best suit your situation.

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