These 2 beautiful babies have arrived in poor health. Both have pneumonia and are really struggling with breathing. After antibiotics, vitamins, tube feeding, subcutaneous fluids and very close monitoring today they are feeling a little better. They still have, however, a long way to go.
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Winston and Lorenzo
October 11, 2020
9 May 2021 Lorenzo is not so little now. He is now 7 months old and has grown into a beautiful sheep. He now lives a very happy life with his adopted family and all his sheepie friends. 11…

September 19, 2020
Cozmo arrived last night after we were contacted by a veterinary clinic. He is about 2 weeks old and quite unwell. He will need to spend the day on IV fluids. We do not know his back story or how…

September 13, 2020
Yesterday George was born as 30ml of rain fell around him. Found in a muddy puddle it is amazing he is alive. Born prematurely despite a healthy weight, George’s lungs are filled with fluid and the joints around his ankles…

September 11, 2020
Introducing 2 week old Matty the Merino who has just arrived into our care. He has a contracted tendon on his back leg which has been strapped. We hope that this and some physio sessions will fix the problem. Other…

Archie, Bodhi and Willow
September 10, 2020
Archie, Bodhi and Willow were surrendered after being found alone, wet and freezing cold. Despite the daytime temperatures starting to heat up, the nights are still very cold putting newborn lambs at high risk of death. Archie, who is tiny…

September 8, 2020
Little Thyra was found alone this morning in the terrible wind. We believe she is a couple of days old so it is uncertain why her Mum left her. She has an upset tummy so we will be keeping a…

Peach and Lady Baba
September 2, 2020
These 2 gorgeous girls are Pixies cousins. The farmer found them both alone the morning after Pixie was found. Although it is Spring, the mornings are still very cold so we are glad they were found and surrendered. We have…

Baabaa Streisand
August 31, 2020
We welcome into care little Baabaa Streisand. This beautiful girl, who was abandoned by her Mum, was found alone and hypothermic. She was slowly warmed, given her first drink of colostrum and is now resting by the heater

August 30, 2020
Pixie was surrendered today after the farmer found her alone in the paddock. She has had colostrum and is now warm and snug and doing well.

August 14, 2020
Sven was surrendered after his mother sadly left him behind. He has come into care quickly so is doing really well. We welcome this little guy to the LCA clan.

August 8, 2020
This little man was surrendered to us yesterday in a dire state. Due to being born premature, Zeke has a few congenital deformities including abnormally structured eyes, an inability to coordinate walking and a funky shaped ear and tail. Despite…

July 31, 2020
Almost 12 months on and Heidi is a happy and healthy sheep who lives at at special needs forever home with her friends Cleo and Maurice. What a difference a single act of kindness by the people who found…

July 25, 2020
At around 14 days old little Skye found herself all alone after her mother sadly died. Discovered cuddled up to her cold, lifeless body, without help Skye would likely have not have survived the freezing, sub-zero, night. We are so…

Bobby and Brodie
July 24, 2020
Another 2 orphaned twins have arrived into our care – Bobby and Brodie. They are drinking well and getting along famously with Ollie and Mary-Lou.

Jack Thompson and Lennie
July 23, 2020
Jack Thompson and Lennie are twins who sadly became orphaned. They are such beautiful babies and are doing really well. Though losing their mother is a terrible thing it is at least nice to know this brother and sister will…

Chloe and Phoebe
July 21, 2020
Chloe is not feeling great right now. She came into care after being bitten by what we assume was a fox. She is very dehydrated. We have given her pain relief, penicillin and cleaned up her wounds. She is resting…

July 19, 2020
10 day old Peanut, who was born on a vineyard, was orphaned shortly after birth. A kind family took him in and lovingly cared for him. Peanut has come into care because he wasnt coping being a solo lamb. We…

Ollie and Mary-Lou
July 11, 2020
Ollie came into care on Wednesday. He was initially having trouble trying to suckle but is now drinking well. He has been paired with Mary-Lou, who arrived on Thursday with a weepy eye. She is responding well to eye ointment….

July 11, 2020
Another little lamb, who we have called Sally, has arrived, It is obvious she has had a rough start to life. Sally has been given a bath and is being administered meds for a high temperature. We will continue to…

Tiny Ruth
July 9, 2020
Tiny Ruth was surrendered to us late on Wednesday night. She was one of triplets and, as is common with multiple births, her mum sadly could not look after all of her lambs. She is the tiniest lamb to come…

July 7, 2020
Little Shaun was surrendered to us yesterday. He is doing incredibly well so far. He is drinking well and enjoys cuddles.

Benji and Zachary
June 29, 2020
Although Benji and Zachary were found together, they were on their own and in a very confused and vulnerable state. Benji has severe entropion in both eyes (which is when the eyelid is folded inward) causing his eyes to remain…

Loki and Wally
June 27, 2020
Loki was surrendered into our care after the farmer found his mother dead. Wally was found in the middle of the road by a tradesman returning home from night shift little Wally is one very lucky boy. He has an…

Mr G
June 24, 2020
Mr G is about 8 days old. He is a dear little boy with a gentle way about him. He has been paired up with Kiara and is doing well in foster care.

Kiara and Scarlet
June 20, 2020
Kiara and Scarlet both arrived together. Little Kiara is a bit weak on her legs at the moment but she is very newly born so her strength should come in soon after some colostrum. Scarlet has a fever indicating an…

Elvis and Thomas
June 15, 2020
Elvis, who is 3 days old, came into care after his mum was unable to look after him. Thomas also came into care today after being found alone, cold and hungry. These 2 will be paired together and have a…

June 9, 2020
Alice came into care after losing her Mum. She was trying to latch on to other ewes but none would take her. Alice was very frightened when she first arrived, but with love, care and the companionship of little Maria…

Rory and Tegan
June 6, 2020
Rory and Tegan are twin orphans. Tegan has very sore eyes at the moment with ulcers. Both lambs have been given pain relief as their recent tail banding is causing them discomfort.

June 4, 2020
Wilson arrived with a chest infection and a weepy cut on his leg. He is also very wonky with walking. We have given him lots of vitamin and mineral supplements to assist with this issue. Wilson comes from a part…

Meet our 3 new arrivals
May 31, 2020
Charles has been lovingly cared for since his birth a little over a week ago. Today he arrived at LCA and has been paired up with another of today’s arrivals, Maria. Charles is a sweet little boy who is doing…

May 30, 2020
Tommie was surrendered to us after her mother died. On arrival she was very dehydrated so received subcutaneous fluids every hour before being put on a drip at the vet. She also appears to have some weakness issues in her…

May 30, 2020
When Buttercup arrived she was in a terrible state, gasping for air. She was treated for pneumonia and is now feeling much better and doing well with her foster carer.

Susie and Bennie
May 30, 2020
When Susie and Bennie arrived they were both in good health so went straight into care where they are both doing very well.

Harry and Roger
May 24, 2020
Yesterday saw the arrival of 2 new lambs. A very dirty Harry was surrendered into our care. He arrived wet and muddy but is a great drinker and is doing well. An older lamb, Roger, arrived with a temperature, scouring…

3 new arrivals in one day
May 20, 2020
Rex, Josh and Zoe all arrived today. Rex has a very swollen face from a difficult birth which will gradually go down. Both Rex and Josh have been given colostrum and are doing well. Poor little Zoe is feeling pretty…

Struggling to begin life
May 17, 2020
Poor little Marvin is really struggling. He has alot of pain and discomfort. We know from the person previously looking after him that he has issues with one or more legs (suspected dislocation) but waiting for the pain relief to…

A friend for Louie has just arrived
May 17, 2020
Cooper arrived last night. He is being treated for an infected navel and is responding well to treatment. Cooper will be paired up with yesterday’s newborn Louie. We can’t wait to see their friendship grow.

Louie and Isabelle
May 16, 2020
Louie was one of triplets. Sadly, as often happens with triplets, he was left behind with his mum unable to care for all 3 babies. Louie was surrendered into our care this morning. He is still figuring out what his…

Starting life alone…
May 14, 2020
Starting life without your mum is a terrible way to begin. Sonny was surrendered into our care today after losing his. We are going to do everything possible to make him feel happy and loved. Despite his difficult start to…

The big and the little
May 14, 2020
Darren and Adele arrived together last night. Darren is a few weeks old and has been put into our care as he is not 100 percent healthy. We have given him pain relief and antibiotics while we try to determine…

May 11, 2020
Phoenix arrived a few days ago hypothermic and on the brink of death. Sadly since coming into care he has continued to struggle despite supportive care. Early this morning an x-ray revealed lots of gas in his tummy. We also…

3 more lives saved
May 10, 2020
3 new lambs came into our care today. Colin has a high temperature and is on medication but Gypsy Rose and Jacinda are both doing well.

Teeny tiny Davey
May 9, 2020
Weighing a teeny 2kgs, Davey has arrived on this cold, rainy day. Low weight birth lambs are more susceptible to the cold so we are very glad he has come to us where he is being warmed up and offered…

Tyla – found in the middle of a 100 km/hour road!
May 7, 2020
Tyla arrived last night. She was found sitting in the middle of a road with a 100 km/hour speed limit! How she survived without begin hit by a car is a miracle. Tyla was very grubby and has severe entropian…

May 4, 2020
Also arriving today is Jamae. She has a very high temperature of 41.5. Her little body is trying to fight a raging infection. We are doing our very best to help her.

May 4, 2020
Danielle is extremely unwell and suffering from advanced pneumonia so her prognosis is guarded. Her little heart beats like a train trying to get more oxygen to her lungs. We are doing everything we possibly can to help her fight…

Welcome to the Trivia Six!
May 3, 2020
Last weekend Trivia for the Animals hosted a Virtual Trivia for the Lambs that raised over $1200. To highlight just how important our fundraising is, this event enabled us to take into our care the Trivia Six – Alex, Daisy,…

Now there are 6 in one icy weekend
May 2, 2020
Charlie has arrived tonight very weak and fragile. His tail has been partially eaten by birds. Also arriving tonight is Alex. He is also weak and has a very high temperature. Both lambs are on antibiotics, pain relief, vitamins and…

4 lambs rescued in one day
May 1, 2020
If ever anyone doubts the affect of the cold on newborn lambs, today is proof. Having already taken in 2 hypothermic lambs today, twin boys have just been surrendered to us after being found without their Mum. They are doing…

Another near victim of the cold snap
May 1, 2020
Arriving this morning not long after Daisy and also suffering from hypothermia is Maple. Weighing in at over 6kg you might think she would not succumb to the cold but newborn lambs are unable to regulate their own body temperature….

The lambs are the ones to suffer as Victoria’s first cold snap hits
May 1, 2020
Daisy is one of triplets. Born in Victoria’s first cold snap of the year, she arrived hypothermic and in a critical condition. She has been given a warming bath as her temperature plummeted to just 33.5 degrees. Daisy remains critical…

Molly and Damien
April 17, 2020
Molly is about a week old and sadly lost her Mum. She arrived last night with a very high temperature and has been treated with pain medication and antibiotics. Molly also appears to have a viral infection known as Scabby…

B.J. (Boris Johnson)
April 15, 2020
Boris has just arrived! He is one week old and has been cared for very well. Unfortunately his rescuers were unable to keep him. Other than a bit of an upset tummy he is doing really well. Boris and Dolly…

Found dirty, dehydrated and alone
April 11, 2020
Dolly was found dirty, dehydrated and alone. The kind people who took her in were having trouble getting her to drink from a bottle so contacted us. She arrived into our care late last night and, with persistence, gradually started…

And then there were 3 …
April 4, 2020
Sadly Otto, Greta and Henry lost their mother when she contracted a septic infection due to mastitis. Despite their terrible loss the plus side is that they will now be safe and loved and be able to spend the rest…

March 31, 2020
Picked up by the pound, little Annabelle was found wandering on the side of the road. We do not know how she came to be without her mother but she arrived very hungry and dehydrated. She is doing wonderfully now…

Miss Muffet
March 23, 2020
Also arriving today is little Miss Muffet. At 2 weeks of age this beautiful girl has been loved beyond words since being found, but her caring humans knew that she could not stay with them forever. Miss Muffet will be…

Our first lamb for the 2020 season has arrived!
March 23, 2020
Tiny Beau is the 1st lamb to arrive this year. Sadly, his mother died giving birth. We are so glad little Beau has found his way to Lamb Care Australia. If you would like to help us kick start our…

Melanie needs your help!
November 21, 2019
Melanie has been up and down since coming into care despite being treated with antibiotics. Today we had a chest x-ray and it has shown gas pockets in her lungs. She now needs a CT Scan which will need to…

Born on a truck
November 11, 2019
Born on a transport truck little Max has been given a chance at life. It’s very difficult knowing his mother’s fate, but we promise her that her baby boy will be loved and cared for for the rest of his…

November 7, 2019
Little Melanie, who arrived today, is about a week old. Sadly, her Mum died from a mastitis related infection. She is now safe in our care and will never be alone again.

Leo the tiny lamb
October 28, 2019
We welcome tiny Leo into care. Born on a cold and wet day he was found weak and unable to stand. Lexy is very pleased to have a new friend. He has been a bit lost since we lost Lenny.

October 10, 2019
Lenny is almost 3 weeks old. He has come from a very loving family who adore him but due to work commitments they are unable to continue caring for him. Lenny has been paired up with Lexy and already they…

October 10, 2019
Although lambing has finished on many sheep farms some ewes are still birthing. Tiny Lexy has sadly lost his mother. He is very flat right now but we are doing everything we can to help him get strong.

Perry – a new brother for Josie and Heidi
September 22, 2019
Perry is 4 weeks old. Although he has been lovingly raised since birth, sheep are flock animals, so now he needs a home where he can make other sheepy friends. We are happy to be able to provide that for…

Nova and Lola
September 14, 2019
Two young lambs came into our care late this week. Nova, who is a little ball of light and energy, was born on a transport truck. The truck driver reached out for assistance as he was travelling to the border…

Blue and Angela
September 5, 2019
Blue, a happy little boy who likes to jump on everything and everyone, was surrendered to us by a farmer. Angela’s mother died shortly after giving birth. She is now safe and doing really well. Both lambs will soon be…

Our next goal – to determine why Saffy is unable to walk
September 2, 2019
Our latest rescue, Saffy, is 4 weeks old. She was doing really well but then lost her ability to stand a few days ago. Extensive blood work is currently being completed to try and determine the problem. We believe it…

Josie – a lamb crying out to her dead mother.
August 29, 2019
Josie arrived just yesterday. Born on a very cold day, she was found crying out to her dead mother. We can only imagine the grief she must have been feeling and, no doubt, will for a long time to come….

August 26, 2019
Heidi was found huddled up to her dead mother. She was actually very lucky to have been spotted. Heidi has been quiet frightened but is gaining more confidence as she gets to know her surroundings.

Teeny Tiny Fern
August 19, 2019
Teeny Tiny Fern has come into care today after her Mum rejected her. Fortunately, the farmer who surrendered her to us gave her fresh colostrum and kept her warm. Fern is weak but that is likely due to her being…

A new friend for Yana
August 18, 2019
Zoran is another little orphan who arrived today. He currently has pneumonia and some joint ill. This joint problem is common in newborn lambs and is caused by bacteria entering the body through the wet umbilical cord. He is quite…

Yana the unknown lamb
August 17, 2019
We know very little about Yana other than she was found alone by a fence. What we do know about Yana is that she will now be safe and free from a premature death. Lambs are flock animals and should…

August 10, 2019
Maisie arrived yesterday. She is around 4 weeks old and unfortunately not feeling very good at the moment. When found, there was an issue with her tail band which is causing her a good deal of pain. It has also…

Fly free now little Sandy
August 9, 2019
Yesterday we brought you the story of Sandy who came to us in such a poor state that we didn’t know if he would survive. Despite trying absolutely everything since he came into care yesterday, Sandy gently slipped away this…

On the brink of death, this little one is not out of the woods yet
August 8, 2019
Sandy came into care barely clinging to life. Wet and hypothermic, his little body felt like ice. We gave him a warm bath to raise his core temperature and now we have him on a hot water bottle in front…

Bella lamb
August 7, 2019
Bella is a much loved 8 day old lamb who has come to us because she is not well and needs critical care. She has been given antibiotics, vitamins and minerals along with pain relief. Her temperature is low so…

Our little warrior lamb
August 6, 2019
Meaning “warrior” Anakin has been aptly named. One of a twin rejected by his mother, he was surrendered into our care today. Hypothermic, barely conscious and convulsing he was very close to death. We warmed his tiny body in a…

Another rescue to start the week
August 4, 2019
Rebecca was surrendered into our care after being found a long way from the other sheep. She is being treated at the moment for sore eyes which we hope will be resolved quickly.

Reggie – a dude who is way too cool!
August 2, 2019
According to the Urban Dictionary, Reggie refers to someone who is impossibly way too cool and awesome and somebody everybody loves. Our Reggie is a definitely an awesome little guy and is certainly loved by everybody. We think Reggie may…

Leroy and Kye
July 31, 2019
Today Leroy and Kye came into our care. Leroy is approximately 2 weeks old and Kye is a newborn. Their relationship is an interesting one, although one also tinged with sadness. Leroy was orphaned but had found a surrogate mother…

Tuesday’s terrific trio – Myles, Minnie and Buddy
July 30, 2019
3 lambs came into our care today – Myles, Minnie and Buddy. Myles was a little flat on arrival but has improved with some good old TLC. His twin sister, Minnie, is such a sweet little lamb and is doing…

Milo – a little boy saved while so many others die
July 29, 2019
Milo was a typical rescue – found by a person who saw him alone in a paddock, with no sheep or farmhouse in sight. He was delivered into our care today. Farms cover such enormous areas that it is impossible…

The start of a new life for Juniper
July 26, 2019
After somehow losing her flock, Juniper was found on the side of the road, with no other sheep in sight. She is already about 2 to 3 weeks old. Juniper was very lucky to have been found alive. If she…

And then there were four!
July 25, 2019
Already having taken in 2 lambs today we now have another 2! 4 lambs in one day rescued from almost certain death. Four lambs rescued in one day from almost certain death. Austin has had a difficult start to life…

Comet and Jimmy
July 25, 2019
Up to 15 million lambs die in the first 48 hours of life on Australian farms every year. 2 little lambs were saved from that fate just today. Comet and Jimmy were both orphaned and stood no chance of surviving…

Spending report: 14 July 2019
July 14, 2019
In the past month we have spent $1531 on vet bills. Toby, Natalie, Murray, Alfie and Tilly all needed vet visits. Thankfully they are all doing well now. We also purchased nappies and other supplies such as electrolytes, all of…

Tax Receipts
July 14, 2019
Lamb Care Australia has DGR status. Donations of $2 and above are tax deductible. Receipts from us are not necessary for a tax claim. You can claim using a bank statement or paypal receipt. If, however, you would like one…

Yoga for the Lambs Fundraiser
July 13, 2019
Thank you to all the wonderful people who came out on a cold and wintery Friday night yesterday to support our latest fundraiser – Yoga for the Lambs. It was hosted by Om Yoga who we are very grateful to…

Apollo – our little merino
July 13, 2019
Apollo is not our normal style rescue. Not a newborn found on his own but a week old merino boy who was being lovingly looked after by a caring family. Apollo’s feeding has been a bit irregular so he was…

Beaker, Ollie and Spock
July 12, 2019
Affectionately named after the Muppets character, Beaker is just a gorgeous, big cuddle bug. He was being cared for by a sanctuary but now needs his forever home so has come into our care whilst we find him a family….

The arrival of Snowy on an icy and wet Winter’s day
July 7, 2019
Most Winter days are not good for newborn lambs but some are worse than others. They are the days that are not only icy cold but days when the rain covers the thousands of “farm” animals who cannot escape its…

Our newest arrival, Harriet.
July 3, 2019
Our newest arrival, Harriet, has been through quiet an ordeal in her short time here in this world. After losing her Mum not long after birth and being a vulnerable newborn, she became an easy target for birds. Fortunately Harriet…

Natalie and her rough start in life
July 2, 2019
Today 5 day old Natalie came into our care. She is very unwell, battling pneumonia and a bad eye infection. We are not sure at this stage if she is actually blind in both eyes but are hoping that her…

Rescued on the verge of hypothermia
June 29, 2019
On a cold day in the pouring rain Caleb was found alone in a paddock. When you are a newborn lamb, surviving the cold winter months is hard enough even with a mother to care for you. On your own…

When a mother sacrifices her life for the life of her baby
June 26, 2019
Seth was found standing beside his dead mother. As if giving birth isn’t enough to deal with on its own, the freezing cold nights, many ewes being already in bad condition due to the drought and insufficient food, the lack…

Sisters – Ellie and Chloe
June 23, 2019
Ellie and Chloe are twins whose mother died not long after they were born. The nights are getting to below 0 at the moment but tonight little Chloe and Ellie will not know as they will be warm in front…

Bake Sale
June 19, 2019
Love lambs? Love vegan baked goods? Then come to the Cruelty Free Shop on Saturday 20 July and you will find plenty to satisfy your sweet tooth and in the process will help to save more lambs this winter. What…

Saved from the winter cold and rain
June 18, 2019
It is quite common for lambs, alone and frightened, to be found by members of the public. Tilly is one such lamb who was found without her mother on a cold and wet winter day. Luckily for Tilly she was…

Found in the middle of a busy road.
June 17, 2019
Without a sheep farm in sight, newborn Isabel appears to have been yet another lamb to have fallen from a trailer or truck. Finding herself in the middle of the road, Isabel was lucky to have not been hit by…
EOFY donations
June 13, 2019
As we approach the end of the financial year please consider making a life saving donation to Lamb Care Australia. All donations are tax deductible and will go directly to helping us save the lives of more lambs this winter….

Rescued from the roadside in the pouring rain
June 12, 2019
Found standing on the side of the road in the pouring rain with no mother anywhere in sight, Jade would have succumb to hypothermia very quickly had she not been seen. After being dried, warmed in front of the fire…

Our latest rescue – Jake
June 8, 2019
Jake was spotted by the side of the road and delivered into our care this afternoon. Often lambs who have come into our care this year have been struggling more than usual due largely to the effect that the drought…
Ash, the tiny 4 week old lamb
June 7, 2019
Ash came into our care late yesterday after his mother became sick and could no longer look after him. Most of the lambs who come into our care are newborn, but Ash is 4 weeks old. Despite this, he is…

Meet our 2 new brothers – Alfie and Murray
June 5, 2019
Sheep, like humans, naturally give birth to only one baby at a time. Twins or triplets are the exception. In the farming industry, however, ewes are selectively bred to have multiple births. Being forced to give birth in the cold…

Mary – a new friend for the lonely Baxter
June 4, 2019
When you lose a close friend making new ones can seem pointless. Baxter lost his friend Maya recently – another victim to the harsh conditions into which lambs are born in the cold months of Australia every year. Out latest…

Saved on the 2nd day of Winter
June 3, 2019
As the temperature on the 2nd day of Winter reached just into double figures in country Victoria, Dusty was found by a member of the public and surrendered into care after being orphaned. Lambs are unable to regulate their body…

Lily Lambington and her new life of luxury
June 3, 2019
Lily Lambington was picked up by a member of the public after being found in the middle of a road. Although it is illegal to transport pregnant ewes, it is not uncommon for a lamb to be born on a…

Denzel Washinglamb
June 2, 2019
Yet another lamb rescued from terrible weather on Friday just prior to the onset of Winter. Denzel Washinglamb, as he has been affectionately named, was lucky to be found alive. He has ulcers on his eyes which you can imagine…

Last minute escape from the Winter cold
June 2, 2019
On Friday, just one day before the start of Winter, Lachie was discovered wandering alone on the wrong side of the fence in bushland. How he got there is something we can only speculate about. Fortunately for Lachie, he was…

Elton the Explorer
May 17, 2019
Elton was surrendered into the care of Lamb Care Australia yesterday. He started his new life exploring his unfamiliar environment with great enthusiasm but today he has been at the vet on IV fluids. Lambs who are orphaned are often…

Orphaned on a cold Victorian night
May 13, 2019
A tiny merino who was sadly orphaned on a cold night in country Vctoria was surrendered into our care over the weekend along with her twin sister. Although Beatrice, who weighs just over 2 kgs, is doing well her sister…

Please help save the life of little orphan Ziggy
May 9, 2019
Ziggy is the latest little orphan to come into the care of Lamb Care Australia. Born during another terribly cold night, and being a defenceless newborn, he was attacked by birds in the early hours of the morning. He was …