Donate to Save Our Lambs!
Lamb Care Australia is committed to saving the lives of lambs and sheep. We have rescued over 700 lambs and 15 sheep to date. We rely on the generous donations of our supporters. Please help us continue our critically important work by making a financial contribution to our organisation.
Donate your favourite lamb essentials
Many people are surprised and amused to see the Lamb Care Australia lambs in nappies. The lambs spend much of their first weeks indoors, therefore these essential items are a practical necessity. Girl lambs use one nappy at a time and boy lambs use two. In 2021 we used approximately 10,000 nappies so your donation to this cause will be greatly appreciated.
The majority of lambs are rescued during the cold winter months. Most are only a day or two old and are unable to fully regulate their body temperature. To help warm their tiny bodies, which often weigh only 3 or 4 kgs, every lamb is allocated with a jumper. By donating to this cause you will help to keep these little babies warm and healthy and keep the Lamb Care Australia lambs attired in the latest lamb fashions!
Each lamb that comes into the care of Lamb Care Australia is bottle fed a milk replacer. When Lambs arrive into care they are fed according to age and weight. The majority of lambs who reach us are newborn or only a day or 2 old. They commence with 2-3 hourly feeds of approximatley 50-60ml. As their weight increases so does the amount they are fed with the feeds gradually becoming less in frequency. At around 2 – 3 weeks old most lambs are being fed 4 times a day at 6 hourly intervals. This continues until the lambs are approximatley 10 weeks old (weight dependant) at which time weaning commences and continues over a period of approximately 2 weeks.
As a result a constant supply of baby bottles is required. You donation to this cause will help to keep hungry little bellies full!
All donations $2 and above are tax deductible.
Receipts: Although the ATO states that a claim can be made for donations by using other records (eg bank statements), if you would like a receipt issued please email [email protected] and we will be happy to email you one.