Victorian Container Deposit Scheme
Visy is a global leader in packaging and resource recovery. Their Container Deposit Scheme will reward Victorians with a 10-cent refund for every eligible can, carton and bottle they return. You are now able to donate the money to participating organizations such as Lamb Care Australia.
For more details regarding a container’s eligibility and to find a collection point please visit cdsvic.org.au

CDS Vic eligible containers are sized between 150ml and 3 litres, and are smaller portable containers, such as glass or plastic bottles, aluminium drink cans and juice or flavoured milk cartons. Most eligible containers will display a label marked ‘10c’.

Over 200 refund collection points powered by Visy will be located across parts of Victoria. Three different types of refund collection points will be on offer: reverse vending machines, depots and over the counter locations. Visit a refund collection point in your local area that services the number of containers you have to refund.

You will be rewarded 10 cents for every eligible container you deposit at a refund collection point. You will have the option to donate your refund to an approved charity.