Lamb Care Australia Patron:
Philip Wollen OAM
“Lamb Care Australia is a first class organization
and worthy of your support.” – Philip Wollen
Introducing our Patron: Philip Wollen OAM
Philip Wollen, at 34 was Vice-President of Citibank. The Financial Press named him in the “Top 40 Brightest and Best” executives in Australia.
During his travels, by age 40 he’d witnessed cruelty so egregious he decided to do all he could to alleviate suffering, and give away everything he owned, with warm hands, and die broke. He jokes “So far, we are right on budget!”
Today, he is a “Venture Capitalist for Good Causes”, supporting some 500 mission-critical projects in 40+ countries.

Philip supports Children, Animals, & the Environment with schools, orphanages, animal protection, shelters, clinics, medicines, biogas plants, ambulances, bore-wells and films; sponsored a married couple (cancer survivors) to run one marathon a day for 366 consecutive days around Australia’s coast, funded marine vessels, whale & seal rescue centres, primate sanctuaries, food, disaster relief, homeless people, victims of domestic violence, scholarships, the arts, health, forests and oceans, and undercover anti-poaching operations. This is done through his operational “silos”, Kindness Farms, Kindness Oceans, Kindness Kids, Kindness Streets, Kindness Mobile Restaurants for the Homeless, Kindness House, a 40,000 square feet incubator providing free serviced offices to 300 smart young people from 40+ NGOs.

Philip has received the following awards:
The Order of Australia Medal in The Queen’s Birthday Honours.
Australian of the Year (Victoria).
Honorary Fellow of the Oxford Centre of Animal Ethics, UK.
Distinguished Alumni Award from The University of Adelaide.Australian Humanitarian Award, Australia
Supreme Master Shining World Hero Award, Asia
Cottonian of Eminence Award, India
Humanitarian Award McKee Project, Costa Rica
Sea Shepherd Volunteer of the Decade, Australia
The Albert Schweitzer Award, USA
The Peter Singer Prize and Medal, Berlin, Germany
Homo Ahimsa Award, In Defence of Animals, USA.
We welcome Philip to Lamb Care Australia and thank him for his generous support both financially and in name.