Lamb Fever


Possible causes of a Lamb shaking but not cold

A lamb shaking but not cold could be a sign of infection and/or injury or simply a sign that their milk is too cool. 


Lamb Fever caused by infection

A lamb shaking but not cold could be a lamb fever and caused by any of a variety of infections that are common in lambs.

The normal temperature range for a lamb is 38.5 – 39.5 degrees Celcius. A higher than normal temperature is a good indication of an infection.  Please visit your vet for a possible course of antibiotics.



A lamb shaking but not cold could be a sign of injury rather than a lamb fever. Not all injuries are externally visible so a visit to your vet is advised. 


Lamb Shaking after a feed

If a lamb shakes following bottle feeding it could simply be a sign that the milk is too cool rather than a lamb fever. The change in temperature when the cooler liquid enters the body compared to the normal body temperature can cause the lamb to shake. When heated, the milk should be at room temperature. Test a small amount on the back of your hand to check the temperature.

A lamb shaking but not cold following a feed could, however, be a sign of a tummy problem causing pain and discomfort. In this case a vet visit may be required. 

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