Birthday fundraisers are an easy way for you to help Lamb Care Australia raise important and necessary funds to help lambs. Two weeks before your birthday just follow the directions below.
Step One
Log into your Facebook acccount
Step Two
Click on see all and select Fundraiser
Step Three
Click on Select Charity and search for Lamb Care Australia
Step Four
Edit the details for your Birthday Fundraiser (amount, currency, end date, title, description and photo) by scrolling on the left.
If you would like to use a lamb photo, please contact Robyn at [email protected])
Step Five
Press Create and Facebook will then prompt you to share the fundraiser to your profile, invite specific friends to donate, or to donate yourself.
An example of a Birthday Fundraiser
Here is an example of a Birthday Fundraiser created by two of our volunteers who share their birthday.
Although their original goal was $300 look what they ended up raising!
That is enough to save 3 lambs!
All it takes is 5 quick and easy steps and you could be helping us save more lives!