Angel and Corey
Today is a very special day in our “Where Are They Now?” series. On 15 December 2017 our very first lambs, Angel and Corey, were rescued. Look at them now – 3 years on!
Today is a very special day in our “Where Are They Now?” series. On 15 December 2017 our very first lambs, Angel and Corey, were rescued. Look at them now – 3 years on!
Lola came to us as an 11 week old lamb in September 2019. She was being lovingly cared for but her people were unable to provide a permanent home. Now she lives with her friend Tiny and the two are inseparable. Recently 7 more sheep were added to her family. Lola, being top ewe, sorted
Cooper arrived in May this year. He was in good health apart from a navel infection that was treated with antibiotics. 6 months later, and with a name change to Basil, he is still doing well at his forever home with his other sheep friends.
One year ago Melanie came into our care. She had a rare form of emphysema. This meant air bubbles formed in her lungs making it difficult for her to breath. She required a CT Scan to diagnose the issue. The right bottom lobe of her lung needed to be removed in what was the first operation
Annabelle was found wandering on the side of the road and Molly arrived into our care at about a week old after sadly losing her mum. Now they are happy and heathly lambs living a life of luxury with one of our adoptive families.
Phoebe and Chloe arrived in July 2020. Phoebe arrived extremely hypothermic. Saving her life was no small feat but with a warming bath that lasted an hour, a hot water bottle, blankets and a heater we managed to stabilize her. Chloe came into care after being bitten by what we assume was a fox. She
Mr G and Wilson both arrived into care in June. Although Mr G was in good health, Wilson arrived with a chest infection and a weepy cut on his leg. Read about them now in the words of their adopted family: “Wilson is adorable. He copies G’s antics but when I’m out doing something every
9 May 2021 Lorenzo is not so little now. He is now 7 months old and has grown into a beautiful sheep. He now lives a very happy life with his adopted family and all his sheepie friends. 11 October 2021 When Winston came into care his temperature was high but after being treated
At Lamb Care Australia, newborn lambs often come into care with their health compromised. Some do not cough up the amniotic fluid after birth which leaves their lungs in a terrible state. Many arrive hypothermic and need their body temperature raised slowly and carefully. Post surgery lambs can be incredibly fragile. The premature lambs also